5G broadband and mobile could eradicate rural ‘not-spots’

2020 was a year of many things. The pandemic has caused unprecedented upheaval for the world’s economies. It has also instigated a swifter and much wider shift towards a remote-working future than many would perhaps have predicted. At the same time, 2020 was also a formative year in relation to the introduction of 5G technologies, with operators across the globe investing heavily in spectrum and infrastructure.

Understandably, much of the initial stage of the 5G rollout has focused on more populous cities and metropolitan areas – indeed, based on performance testing of 5G across UK cities conducted by GWS, we are already seeing promising speeds within urban locations. Obviously, a full 5G future should not focus solely on built-up regions. The promise of 5G and the enhancements that next-generation network technology will bring – in terms of speed, latency, capacity, reliability and overall wireless performance – will have a positive impact on the businesses and consumers that reside in rural areas. This will perhaps be even more apparent in terms of rural access to remote health care, education, and commerce. Thus, at some point in the near future, we’d expect operators to place increasing focus on rural deployments.

Going remote

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